Post-graduation blues
HEADS UP: THIS BLOG POST WILL MOST LIKELY BE A LENGTHY ONE. I JUST HAVE A LOT RUMINATING IN MY MIND AND HEART WHEN IT COMES TO THIS PARTICULAR TOPIC. IT WOULD BE AMAZING IF YOU CAN READ THIS POST AND I HOPE YOU FIND IT INSIGHTFUL, BECAUSE IT IS RATHER INTENSE. :) WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. You know? College was one of the most amazing times of my life. I learned more about myself. What I truly liked and what I didn't like. I also became less tolerant of fitting into other people's standards, especially those that didn't have my best interest at heart. I felt more free to listen to the music that I actually liked, read and watch things on topics that actually meant a lot to me, and hang out with people that I actually wanted to be around. All that without feeling like an idiot for having my own preferences. Don't get me wrong. College didn't come without the extreme difficulties; Complex projects, certain toxic teachers, unpleasant group wor...